Becky Stoecklein


Renewable Energy Workshop Fieldwork

CDAE 106, Spring 2011


         For my renewable energy fieldwork I worked with Sodexo and the UVM Office of Sustainability to perform an energy audit on campus dining operations. The majority of the work I did for the audit consisted of taking an inventory of each piece of dining equipment on campus that uses energy and documenting the equipment information electronically. After the documentation was complete, a team of energy auditors assessed the equipment and its use to determine the overall efficiency of the system and any improvements that could be made. Another important aspect of my fieldwork was working with Facility Center software to coordinate a consistent Preventative Maintenance program. Using Facility Center software, the status and condition of assets associated with University Dining Services can now be continuously tracked to ensure equipment is maintained and operated at an optimum level of efficiency.


Gioia Thompson, Director

UVM Office of Sustainability

(802) 656-3803

48 University Place
401 Billings Center
Burlington, VT 05405