Working for common sense energy has been a pleasure. I have learned a lot about different ways to save a lot of money for relatively low cost. My favorite part was the hands situations. I traveled around South Burlington looking for icicles on peoples houses then knocked on the doors asking if they would be interested in getting an audit done on their house. If they didn?t they it was a nice way to educate the community. But if the people were interested I was able to go into the house and do the installation of insulation, which was a great experience to go in to the attic and look for air leaks and blow insulation into the attic and or walls. I also learned about different kinds of insulation. Auditing is a great job and I think the knowledge I got out of this experience is amazing. This information that I have learned will help me in my future when I purchase a house and want to save money.
Sean Moran

Allan Bullis, CEM, LEED AP
Efficiency Innovations, LLC