Timothy Kelly

5hrs – Better Building by Design Conference

40hrs – Intern for Renewable Energy Vermont


The first five hours of the Renewable Energy Workshop internship was spent at the Better Buildings by Design Conference, funded by a scholarship from Bob Murphy CEM, BPI for Efficiency Vermont. The conference was held at the Sheraton in South Burlington and it hosted a multitude of renewable energy businesses and corporations, mainly focused on providing energy audits and efficiency products/services. A majority of the businesses aimed at renovation initiatives, such as re-insulating different areas of oneŐs house, replacing inefficient appliances, and providing alternative forms of energy.  The subsequent forty hours of the internship were spent as an intern with Renewable Energy Vermont (REV), a nonprofit, nonpartisan trade association representing nearly 300 businesses, individuals, and colleges committed to implementing alternative forms of renewable energy around the state. As an intern, I primarily focused on consolidating current membership data onto a master spreadsheet while also composing data for a recruitment initiative. The recruitment initiative will hope to compile a list of prospective members that benefit from the efforts and lobbying of REV but have not actually joined REV. With this list complete, REV plans on sending recruitment packages to each of these prospective members, followed by a phone call emphasizing the associationŐs enthusiasm for that particular individual to join.