Chris Houck

Internship Description


In the internship, I worked with a Company called SolarQuest LLC alongside of 2 other UVM Interns. We worked with the company President Allan Bear to help organize and create a new educational organization called The Renewable Nations Institute (RNI). During the internship we became familiar with SolarQuestÕs past history and learned about how the new Institute would work. On top of this we helped SolarQuest/Renewable Nations Institute construct The Green Energy Journal. This journal is designed to help fund the RNI and educate the younger population on environmental news and concerns. Though the information we learned about SolarQuest and the information we gathered for the journal, we would then promote the Green Energy Journal and the RNI down in Washington D.C., at the Powershift movement, to recruit students for enrollment in the education program offered at the Institute. This also proved a dual purpose of finding student interest in a program like this so that SolarQuest could convince multiple investors that Institute is a viable program.