Dylan Estabrooks


Internship Summary

Lee Bullis

Energy Alternatives Inc.

30 Pine Street

South Burlington, VT 05403


                  This semester in CDAE 106 I participated in an internship with Lee Bullis, who is part owner of his own cellulose insulation company. I worked on a variety of projects, doing wet wall spray cellulose for new home construction, insulating attics of both new construction and existing buildings, and dense pack cellulose soundproofing inside homes. I had a great experience working with Lee and his other employees, and have been able to meet a variety of contractors for the greater Burlington area. Once I completed my internship hours, Lee asked me to come on board as a part time employee during the school year and full time during the summer. I have been working for Lee for nearly three months, and I can honestly say none of this would have happened without taking this Renewable Energy Workshop.