Keegan Duffy



13 May 2011


Allan Baer – Solarquest, LLC


For my internship, myself and two other students took part in helping Allan Baer develop and edit the Green Energy Journal, recruit students for graduate school and Green Energy Journal, and distribute Green Energy Journals to students during the duration of Power shift 2011.

The Green Energy Journal is to be a quarterly distributed journal to college charter campuses around the nation.  The journalŐs main focus is to educate the youth climatic movement about ways we can effectively transition from s fossil fuel based economy to a green energy economy.  The articles include information on state energy policies, carbon emission, atmospheric trends, etc.  Our purpose was to assist Allan in researching relevant articles and peer reviewed journals that would be intriguing material to my generation.  Not only did we assist with the research but also we helped edit, design, and layout the format of the journal so that it would get students attention as best as possible.  Once the completion was finished we took to the corridors of Powershift handing out thousands of copies of the journal. While handing out the journal we asked students how they would feel about the journal on their campus and if they feel it would be a viable option at their school.  If students took interest in the green energy journal we discussed the possibility if they would enjoy working for the Journal.  WE recruited students for sales, editing, researching, graphical design, etc. for Allan in the summer and fall so that he can pursue his idea of the college campus Green Energy Journal.

                  The other facet of our internship after the completion of the journal was to spend most of our time focusing on recruiting students for two graduate schools of Allan under the Renewable Nations Institute at Marlboro University and Goddard College.  Myself, Allan, and the other interns took tables at the job fair at Powershift and spent much of our day recruiting recently graduated college students who are interested in grad school or feeding the pipeline with younger students who are contemplating the idea of Masters degrees.  We read over the Renewable Nations business summary multiple times and dissected it along with Allan so that we had a full understanding of his programs and how to properly recruit kids.  After it was all said and done we greatly contributed to AllanŐs school or he was astonished at the amount of kids we recruited not only for his schools but as well for the Green Energy Journal.