Drew Burkhard

CDAE 106 Internship Spring 20011


            For my internship, I worked with “Energy” Al Bullis.  He is a licensed energy auditor with experience in a few other areas of energy conservation as well.  Over the semester, I attended a few South Burlington Energy Committee meetings (of which Al is a member) and also canvassed local areas offering free energy audits to houses in need.  As my fellow interns and I were in the infancy of the Common Sense Energy Initiative, I contacted the Vermont Cynic to write up an article explaining what we were all about.

            Al gave us an option to work with people who have their own businesses in the field of energy conservation.  I worked the bulk of my hours with Chip Patullo of Patullo Consulting, Inc.  In contract with the Champlain Housing Trust, I and Chip’s crew performed a blower-door test to establish the airflow of a poorly developed modular home.  Over the course of a week, I insulated the house in a number of ways to tighten it and reduce heat loss.     



Patullo Consulting, Inc.

107 Cherry Lane

Burlington, VT 05401-4910
