Daniel Carroll

Remy Maylott

U32 Internship


For our field work portion of CDAE 195 Dominica Class we are interning for Michael Horrowitz helping with his high school design class. The class is currently building a self contained aquaponic agricultural system. The system uses both passive and active solar technologies and is run completely by a photovoltaic array.

So far we have done a number of tests on the site and existing condition of the photovoltaic system. We have found the wiring to be faulty and replaced all of it as well as order inverter, batteries, and hardware for the aquaponic system. So far in the design phase of the project we have Helped Michael size and research different pumps to run the aquaponic system. After some research we found that the most economic way to run the system is to have the PV system directly power a DC variable speed water pump so that we donŐt have to buy an inverter or more panels.

The Students in the class range from freshman to Seniors and Since the beginning I have been shocked at how well they work as a group. The students are very motivated and excited about the project which makes working with them very enjoyable. The background education about the technology is varied and it was nice to have suggestions and be able to help students with questions.

Along with helping Michael in the classroom we helped him with a solar hot water workshop. The workshop was over two weekends and was intended for contractors, builders, and architects interested in installing solar hot water systems in Vermont.  The first Half of the workshop was at Efficiency  Vermont and the second was in Montpelier. Although we didnŐt help Michael with a lot of the technical aspects of the workshop, we helped him transport and set up equipment and with the presentations.  We also got a certification in solar hot water installation by REV! 

Working with Michael has been a great experience so far and I am very happy with this aspect of the course. I think working with someone in Vermont is very practical as a Student and helping teach is sometimes the best way to learn. I wish I had pictures from the school to share with the rest of the class because it is such a great project. I think Michael is a very progressive teacher and his hands on approach to education is great for the high school students in his class as well as me as a student of design and renewable energy.