Avery Hurst

CDAE 061

Gary Flomenhoft

Service-Learning Hours


Since I am only trying to earn one credit through the service-learning portion of the class, my work has been a little different. 


- I attended the Better Building By Design Conference on February 17, 2010 and attended numerous workshops on Residential green-building methods, mainly in relation to Lighting and Electricity. 


I was at the conference from 8 am until 6 pm attending workshops, viewing the awarded projects, and viewing this yearŐs showcase.  (10 hours)


- I attended the 3 groSolar seminars at City Market on February 23rd, March 23rd, and April 22nd.  The first two seminar were 1.5 hrs and the last one was 1.5 hrs but I stayed afterwards for 30 minutes to discuss their work with Gaelan Brown, the person running the seminar that day.  (5 hrs)


We discussed the basic process of installation, equipment, average residential energy costs in Vermont, returns on investment, and other possible renewable energy options outside of solar energy use. 


I have attached the sheet with my hours, a signature from Gaelan Brown, the leader of the groSolar seminars, as well as my name, signature and the date.