Program Theme:
"Teaching All Children Strategically in Diverse Communities"

UVM's Teacher Education Unit Mission: 

Unit Faculty at the University of Vermont aspire to prepare a committed reflective practitioner, instructional leader and change agent, collaborating with other
professionals to make a positive difference in schools and in the lives of all learners.


UVM's NCATE Unit Beliefs

What Characterizes UVM's Seventeen Educator Preparation Programs?

Through reflective learning and practice, the UVM prepared educator is grounded in 

Constructivism:  Knowledge is socially constructed through dialogue and community based practice.

Collaboration:  Teachers and other school professionals work collaboratively to problem solve with stakeholders.

Human Development and Empowerment:  Education facilitates development of human potential.

Inclusion:  All students can learn and have value in their communities.

Multiculturalism and Culturally Responsive Pedagogy:  Learning communities demonstrate respect for and honor diversity, pursue knowledge and affirm our diverse national cultures.

Equity and Justice:  Education should advance social justice and democracy.


What Knowledge, Skills, and Dispositions Characterize Our Beginning Educators?

Each Graduate...
<>1. demonstrates content knowledge and skills
2. understands learners and their differences
3. understands learning
4. translates curriculum into instruction
5. creates equitable, inclusive learning environments
6. assesses student learning
7. practices culturally responsive pedagogy
8. demonstrates collaborative and interpersonal skills
9. engages in reflective practice
10. integrates technology
11. acts consistently with the belief that all students can learn
12. engages in self directed learning and professional development for growth