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Remember These?

Professional Knowledge Reminders for

The Construction of Profound and Respectful Captions

Concepts / Techniques / Strategies
Names Associated
  • Student Generated Listings
  • .
    inclusion .
    interdisciplinary units .
    integration .
    the writing process lucy caulkins
    Vermont Framework of Standards and Learning Opport. .
    multiple intelligences howard gardner
    multiple ability treatment elizabeth cohen, rachel lotan
    status treatments elizabeth cohen, rachel lotan
    assigning competence - encouragement vs. praise elizabeth cohen, rachel lotan, rudolph dreikurs
    scaffolding jerome bruner, jean piaget
    1:1 correspondence, reversability, egocentrism, decenter Piaget
    pre operational, concrete operational, formal thinking Piaget
    intrinsic and extrinsic motivation .
    complex instruction cohen and lotan
    Bloom's Taxonomy benjamin bloom
    Maslow's hierarchy of needs Abraham Maslow - physio, safety,belonging, love, esteem
    culturally responsive teaching kathy au, gloria ladson-billings
    metacognition - thinking about your own thinking
    running records marie clay
    concepts of print marie clay
    equity david and myra sadker, Mary Pipher, Carol Gilligan
    character map .
    literature circles .
    guided reading .
    text-to-text, text-to-self, text-to-world .
    webquest .
    learning centers .
    scientific method .
    NSE .
    NCTM .

  • Faculty Generated Listings
  • .
    levels of demonstration of knowledge
    (CAR) - concrete, representational, abstract
    physical, iconic, symbolic
    bruner, piaget, 
    cooperative learning cohen and lotan, johnson and johnson, Slavin, Kagan
    categories of misbehavior:  attention getting, power seeking, revenge, assuming disability

    social interest: need to be connected to important "others"

    Rudolph Dreirkurs (from Alfred Adler)
    * the crisis cycle
              o confrontations
              o loss of emotional control
              o post-breakdown defusion strategies 
        * the five minute intervention


    Ruth Hamilton

    active body language
    attention focusing strategies
    button pusher escapes

    distracting behaviors
    controlling behaviors
    angry/violent behaviors

    Patricia Kyle
    Lawrence Rogien
    behavior plans BF Skinner
    carl bereiter
    siegfried englemann
    zone of proximal development lev vygotsky
    cooperative discipline
    basic need to belong to a group - psychosocial dev't
    albert, adler, glasser, dreikurs, nelson
    Erikson's seven stages of developmental tensions .
    ability groups, interest groups, heterogeneous groups
    homogeneous groups, randomly assigned groups, skill groups