Wednesday, September 17, 2008

In Progress

Here is what is in progress on my table right now. The puzzle piece for Art FITS and new mini canvases for the upcoming ACHS show.

You can also see my newly plexi topped drafting table. I moved my gigantic painting table downstairs and moved my drafting table under my window to be my main work station. It wasnt until after hours of furniture moving that I discovered that paint does not easily wash off my drafting table. So I ran out with my coupon and purchased the largest self healing cutting mat I could find to protect the table top only to discover after one use that paint does not wash off the mat AT ALL. Finally I went to Lowes and purchased a very thin piece of plexi glass as close to the size of my table top as possible (their plexi and glass cutting machine was broken). When I got home I took out my new cutting mat, large cutting ruler and box cutter and trimmed the plexi. I got glue, gesso and paint on it today and all cleaned off with a swipe. I pronounce myself happy.

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