Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Art Fits Vermont

The wonderful Jackie of the Addison County Humane Society invited me to participate in Art Fits Vermont ( ). I was extremely excited to be part of this event as the last similar event got such an amazing reception--people really got into it and a great deal of money ws raised. Funny thing...I had the hardest damn time figuring out what to paint on my puzzle piece. And ofcourse it was Jackie that very simply told me ' just do one of your Twilight paintings!' She was so right. Im very happy with how it turned out. My twilight pieces seem so simple but they seem to reach the most people and in actuality they take me a lot of time. I just finished varnishing it last night and I had to take a quick pic before I left for the office this morning so I hope you can see it ok:

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Sunday, October 05, 2008


I forgot to inlcude pics of my 'candy' colored series in the post below of available pieces. Sorry! Here is a couple pics of the series. Both kitties and pups are available. Each piece is 6" x 8" and is $25. These pieces are simple looking but they take a great deal of time to create. They are priced inexpensively so people can buy a grouping for $100 or less. They look good individually but look sooo good as a group!

This pic is from yesertdays event. Sorry, I forgot to take a close up.

This pic is from the June event. Not all pieces shown here are still available but you can
see them better!


Tuesday, August 19, 2008


I have been a terrible blogger lately but thats because so much has been going on. I have been invited to participate in Art Fits Vermont. I have been asked to paint one of the wooden puzzle pieces that will be on display and then auctioned off to benefit the Addison County Humane Society. Thank you to Jackie for inviting me to be part of this! Jackie and her husband, Craig, were the winners of the painting I worked on at the HSCC Walk for Animals in June! Craig and Jackie have a YellowDog (Jackson) of their own--cool, huh?!

I have been working on a few commissions. My latest piece was commissioned by Mike, a very nice guy who I soon discovered lives not very far from me. He gathered a bunch of photos and shared a lot of great details about his 'Crowded House' of kitties. The painting was for his wife, Mary's, birthday. How nice is that?! Now that the gift has been given I can share this photo:

Mike called to say Mary loved it so Im very happy! Happy Birthday, Mary!

Tonight Im finishing up a birthday present for a little girl with a new baby sister. I think that calls for an extra special birthday present. Photos to come soon!

I will have a tent at Woofstock on October 4th in Middlebury. My next month or so will be prepping for that with almost all new pieces as well as working on my stuff for upcoming holiday shows. Busy busy busy. Thats a good thing.

I have a couple very different pieces to show you soon. Im very excited and although Im super busy, I have to try to get some of these ideas in my head onto canvas. Check back soon to see how things turn out!

And finally, YellowDog had surgery yesterday. He had a lumpectomy and he had some teeth pulled. Poor little guy! He had a benign cyst removed from his right front leg so he now has a very large bandage that goes from shoulder to toes. He also has a small shaved and bruised spot on his left front leg where he was supposed to have a catheter but the vet told me he just wasnt having it. While he was under, they checked his teeth because they have been bothering him. He had a large molar pulled and two lower incisors. He has been amazing. He is hobbling around with his leg bandaged and sore mouth full of his same piss and vinegar (as my grandmother would say). I just need him to sleep. Because I need to sleep. Here is a pic of YellowDog post surgery. Please excuse the tufts of hair I had just removed from him and the blanket covered couch (just in case he decided to rip off his bandage). If you look close you can even see the shaved patch on his left leg and the space where his incisors were:

A little sleep and we will both be good. Im sure of it. Speaking of which, I think I need to go him him some love and get ready for an very early night.

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Wednesday, June 04, 2008

See you Sunday?

Sunday is the HSCC's 14th Annual Walk for Animals at Battery Park. I will be painting at the event and the piece will be raffled off with proceeds going to the HSCC. I will also have some new small pieces Im excited to show. They will be for sale along with some of my larger pieces. Come say Hi!

I am working on a couple very very large pieces that will be placed along the route of the walk. I wanted to do four but time has only allowed me to do two. Before even sketching these pieces I wanted to walk the route to see where things might go. Here is a pic of Jackson and my friend, Vanessa as we strolled the path. Jack is about to do what he does best while V kindly handled his leash and allowed me to take pics all morning. That turned out to be an excellent day. Walking with Jack, kayaking with V followed by lobster and shopping. Now THAT is a day off :)

Hope to see you Sunday!

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Friday, May 23, 2008


I have been trying to think of something new for the upcoming HSCC event. I will be painting live while there at the event but BJ and crew are kind enough to provide me with someone to man a table so I may also sell pieces. A percentage of all sales will continue to go to the HSCC and I hope to see everyone there! Stop by and say hello as I believe I can paint and talk at the same time. Anyway, here is what I have decided to tackle for this event...

How cute, right!?! The easel is about 4.5 inches tall and made of solid sturdy wood. I found a variety of small canvases to paint on that will look great on these mini easels. The one pictured here is about 3" x 5" and possibly my favorite. I really like them. Dare I call them adorable? I think people will like them and they will be new, affordable pieces. Now if I can actually paint on these itty bitty things!? Oh, and ofcourse this...

This is Missy. She is not a large cat at all but she looks like a giant next to these mini things. The camera came out and she had to see what was up. Cute, cute and more CUTE!

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Wednesday, April 23, 2008


BJ called me this afternoon to tell me that Beth Parent from WCAX paid a last minute visit to the HSCC this afternoon. What a great way to get the word out about the work the HSCC does for our area. BJ is amazing and Im sure that will come through in the interview. The good news doesnt end there. BJ also told me they spoke about my artwork currently up at the HSCC. How great of BJ and how flattering! I adore Beth Parent. I love it when I turn on the news and she is anchoring. And Im not just saying that because BJ told me she owns a beautiful dog! So if you were watching WCAX tonight and are visiting my site for the first time...

Hello! And thank you for checking out my work. My newest pieces are shown in posts below. Email me with any questions. Even better, they are on display and available at the HSCC in South Burlington. I think art is always best seen in person so pay them a visit and check out both their wonderful place and my artwork. I would love feedback so drop me an email at and let me know what you think.

Everyone should be able to own a piece of original artwork so I try to keep my prices reasonable. If you purchase a piece currently on display at the HSCC, 20% of what you pay will go directly to the HSCC in your name. The same goes for commissioned pieces. If you see a piece you like but would prefer a smaller version or a different set of colors or would like to incorporate your own wonderful family or friends (of both the two legged and four legged variety), let me know. We will make it happen. Some pieces at the HSCC have been purchased but as they go to their new homes, I will be creating new pieces to replace them.

Please be patient with me as I learn how to update my own site but check back on this blog daily for updates and sneak peeks at the newest pieces!

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Thursday, April 17, 2008

And the rest of my most recent pieces... (see previous post for others)

Taking the Time 20"x30"

Going for a Ride 24"x36"

Greetings 24"x36"

Scottie 16"x16"

Greyhound 16"x16"

Boston Terrier 16"x16"

Schnauzer 16"x16"

Bulldog 16"x16"

Beagle 16"x16"

Great Dane 16"x16"

His Highness 18"x24"

Peek on Green 18"x24"
(one of a six part series)

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Im battling a terrible cold so I didnt get to update the web site as I had hoped this week. So I thought I would post some images of pieces currently available and on display at the HSCC in South Burlington. Go check them out! Its a very nice place and these pieces look better in person.

Walking the Neighborhood 36"x48"

Dreaming 36"x48"

The Candy Series
Each piece is 6"x8"

A close up

a closer close up

Rabbit Ears 24"x36"

Play Ball? 36"x36"

Play Frisbee? 36"x36"

YellowDog Jumping Over the Moon 24"x30"

Full Moon 24"x30"

Let Go! 24" x 48"

Go for a Walk? 20"x30"

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