Wednesday, June 11, 2008


I walked past the art store on my way to the dentist today and I had a few minutes to spare (thanks to scoring an excellent parking spot downtown?!) so I popped in. Im always on the look out for my 6 x 8 canvases. I wont bore you with that story again but for the new comers lets just say that it isnt as easy as you would think it should be to purchase some simple canvases in this area. But Im not writing this to gripe--IM VERY HAPPY! I walked in and there on the shelf were ten lovely 6x 8 canvases. I tried to be frugal but each and every one had my name on it. MY NAME ON IT. And by name I mean the bright orange clearance tags you can see in the picture below.

So I bought them and ran to my dentist appointment. After the appointment I had to walk past the art store again. Well, I am trying very hard to find a very very dark gray acrylic paint so why not stop in and check while Im downtown!? What can it hurt? MY WALLET! Thats what it can hurt. But again, Im happy. I found some really fun canvas sizes more than half off. I would have been crazy not to, right? Dont answer that. I took finance courses, I know its stupid to buy something you dont need just cuz you have a coupon. Anyway, the reason for this post is really to show you that art supplies make all the creatures in my house happy...

Those are the bags from the art store. And no worries, I do not leave any bags out when I am not home as Missy will climb in every single crinkly bag she can find. Crazy.

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