Thursday, July 23, 2009


Chris Conn from Cafe invited me to fill his walls with new work. I jumped at the chance and made almost all new pieces for display. Here are a few quick pics I took just before leaving the day I did the first full installation. I have been back a couple times as pieces have sold and I needed to do some swap outs. It has been fun and everyone I have met through this has been great. Please excuse the quality of the pics. I happen to take them at a time when the sun was bursting through the windows. It is Vermont so I am not going to complain about the ...even if it did ruin my shots!

The above pieces are the only pieces that were not painted just for this event. Oldies but goodies. 'Rabbit Ears' is no longer available but if you are interested, I dont do prints but I do make 're makes' or 'do overs' as I call them of my most popular pieces. I can make one to fit your size and color needs. I can also make one with cats instead of dogs!

I LOVE the colors on this one. The background color is much brighter and bolder than it appears in my terrible digital image here.

The pieces above are three new pieces from my Twilight series. They are available separately but if you are interested in all three, I will give you a SUPER deal!

I like the background color on this one much better in person too. I stink at taking digital pics!

This one is a biggie. It is 36" x 48" and is on sale! Contact me for more info.

This piece is titled 'Bad Boy'. You cant see it great in this pic but that is a little heart shaped tattoo on his arm. Err, I mean, leg.


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