Sunday, July 19, 2009

News , news and more news!

I have been terrible about blogging. Anyone that knows me or has tried to follow this blog in the past knows that is par for the course with me. But I have so much stuff going on I have to post!
The HSCC Walk for the Animals was this past June. BJ and Katey and company were kind enough to invite me again. I tried my hand at some tshirts!
The image above is the sample image. The shirts were a super cool green and blue. You will see them on people in later pictures. Looks for new tshirts next year!

The HSCC asked for some signs so I gave them signs!
Unfortunately I did not get a picture of my favorite sign which was for the water station. I will try to visit the HSCC and get some pics of a couple signs I missed over the years soon. The signs were both harder and easier than I thought. They were a ton of work but so much fun! You will see more signs in the future too!
The Walk was amazing. The weather was great, there were tons of wonderful people, so many people stopped by, my Mom came to help (thank you so much, Mom!) and ofcourse there was a lot of four legged inspiration. I will post many pics of the walk soon.
At the Walk I met Masha pf Play Dog Play. A relatively new business lcoated on Pine Street. Check out their web site ( or stop by. It is a very nice place with excellent service offerings as well as pet food, pet treats, toys and all kinds of good stuff. Masha was kind enough to ask me to make some signs for Play Dog Play. They are a project in prgoress but I will show you pics when they are done. Masha also surprised me and offered to host my work at the years South End Art Hop. Isnt that amazingly nice!!? Im am very very excited. There will be a huge surprise so defintiely stop by September 11th or 12th. When I say huge I mean HUGE.
More news in my next post. Cant give it all away at once!


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