Sunday, March 08, 2009

YellowDog being sooo YellowDog

I am doing a little work on the computer this evening and I had to snap a quick picture of the view to my left:

Jackson truly believes it is his job to be by my side at all times so by the end of the weekend, he is friggin exhausted. He is such an amazing companion. I hope he feels the same about me! Before you think I am terrible to make him sleep on the hard wood floor, check out the picture below. This is Jackson and his relation to the super soft no skid carpet my Mother bought for him. Little booger.

He actually sleeps on this rug most of the time he is in the little studio with me. Tonight he is just really ready for bed so the later it gets, the closer he gets to me. Im ok with that. I actually have these rugs all over the house. Jackson does not love the wood floors at all so I have them placed throughout the house in what I hope looks like intentional and tasteful house decor. If not, well, anything for him. I guess I need to get off the pc and go cuddle with him on the couch. Yes, that sounds like a good idea. Hope you all had a great weekend.


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