Sunday, March 15, 2009

Spring Cleaning

It is sooo nice to see the sun. It is still chilly here but this is really my favorite weather. Wish me luck getting outside to enjoy this gorgeous weather!

Today has been spent cleaning. REALLY cleaning. I kind of like cleaning. Ok, honestly, I love cleaning. Unfortunately this does not mean my home is the cleanest place in town. There seems to always be something that can be cleaned more. Anyway, spring cleaning means more paintings for sale!

This piece is titled 'Scottie'. I wish i could take better digital pictures; this image does not do the piece justice. The red background is gorgeous and really makes the pup pop on the canvas. This piece was originally $80 but is now on sale for $40! Contact me at if you are interested. See other paintings on sale in posts below.

Thanks for visiting. Enjoy the weather!
YellowDog and I are heading outside again very very soon.


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