Friday, March 06, 2009

random happenings and a reminder

I can not believe I forgot to mention how YellowDog and I brought int he New Year! He was made the Star of the Clinic! YellowDog loves going to the vet. Yup, thats what I said. The wonderful women at our vets office are all so good to him and he loves the ladies. Here is the adorable collage they put together for him and placed on their wall.

And for Christmas, I made my Mother a last minute snowman for her mantle. She is all about the cute. Well what is cuter than a handmade snowman? MANY handmade snowmen. Below you see our work in progress. A forest of polymer clay carrot snowman noses to be! Odd looking, huh?

And finally, the SALE CONTINUES! I am giving away a number of paintings not listed on here but some of the paintings below are still available. Contact me at if you are interested!


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