Sunday, October 19, 2008

something new for me

So a very nice guy bought his wonderful animal loving wife a very thoughtful birthday present (a painting from me). The wonderful animal loving wife loved her gift (*phew*) and told a super nice co worker how much she loved her painting. This super nice co worker is also a super nice pug loving neighbor of mine (who knew!?!). And for her I am working on two paintings. Each painting includes a black pug. Pugs are adorable but I found them very hard to paint. They are so damn cute but one wrong line and you can make them look like a weird cartoon character. So I was nervous I would not be able to do her adorable little buddies justice and after many sketches I decided I had to just jump into painting. I got as far as having the entire piece painted with the exception of the eyes and I was still very worried. But I painted in the eyes as exactly as they were in the picture provided and tada!
I love it! And more importantly, so did my super nice pug loving neighbor. So on to painting two...

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