Wednesday, June 04, 2008

See you Sunday?

Sunday is the HSCC's 14th Annual Walk for Animals at Battery Park. I will be painting at the event and the piece will be raffled off with proceeds going to the HSCC. I will also have some new small pieces Im excited to show. They will be for sale along with some of my larger pieces. Come say Hi!

I am working on a couple very very large pieces that will be placed along the route of the walk. I wanted to do four but time has only allowed me to do two. Before even sketching these pieces I wanted to walk the route to see where things might go. Here is a pic of Jackson and my friend, Vanessa as we strolled the path. Jack is about to do what he does best while V kindly handled his leash and allowed me to take pics all morning. That turned out to be an excellent day. Walking with Jack, kayaking with V followed by lobster and shopping. Now THAT is a day off :)

Hope to see you Sunday!

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