Monday, May 26, 2008

ITS A BOY! And his name is Cha'lie

My father has a highlander cow. He used to have many but now he has just Lucy. Lucy is a super sweet, super friendly wonderful mother of a cow. Charlie (pronounce with an English accent-Cha'lie) was born earlier this week. He looks like a cuddly baby bear. Lucy wont let us find out exactly how cuddly he is but we dont blame her at all. She is very good at making sure his curiosity doesnt get the best of him.

Please excuse the terrible pictures. The weather was very overcast and like I said, Lucy wont let us get toooo close to Charlie. They both have beautifully golden eyes but for some reason they came out a glowing green in every single picture I took today. Having said all that, meet Momma Lucy and Baby Charlie.

Lucy and Charlie taking a walk after dinner.

Charlie is extremely curious and playful.. Lucy keeps him reigned in but the more I snuck around taking pictures the more he tried to play with me. Here he is 'hiding' and peeking at me from behind a fence post. I soooooo wanted to HUG THIS LITTLE GUY!! I dont know if yo noticed int he last pic but Lucy has some serious horns and although she is precious, this is her baby and she would have had none of it so I didnt even try.


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