Thursday, April 10, 2008

Thank you and good night.

The HSCC event was absolutely great. Everyone was so amazingly nice and so accepting of my work. What a great organization. A special thank you to BJ and Jessica. BJ put together an event that incorporated a board meeting, soup tasting and art in an animal shelter and I listened all night to people say what a great night they had. THATS skill. The place looked great and it all just worked amazingly well. He also seemed to do it all with such ease and if not with ease than he hid the stress very well. I dont know BJ very well but what I do know is awesome. Kudos BJ. Jessica was every where doing a little bit of everything. She helped me get excited about the 'after the art show' time. I cant wait to put together her painting. She has actually gotten me excited to paint even after painting for a month and a half straight so kudos to her as well!

Some of my friends from work came and that really made the night for me. I will save that for another post because Im exhausted. But first I want to show you a picture that perfectly summarizes my evening.

The ribbon is from two bunches of flowers I received tonight. The blank canvas was for a painting I just didnt get to but am still excited to work on. Ahhhh....


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