Saturday, April 26, 2008


It only took two months of trying, one rude salesperson, seven trips to Church Street and two trips to Williston to score these 22 6x8 gallery wrapped canvases. Thats all. No biggie.

When talking to BJ from HSCC a number of months ago about a possible show, the very first piece that came to mind was the 'Candy' series. It is made up of 36 separate canvases and was a perfect way for me to play with color. For every single piece I do, I have several color combos I wish I could try. This piece made that part easy...kinda. Who knew it would be so hard to find more of these canvases to replace those that sold?! I shouldnt complain. I loved working on this piece and people ahve really seemed to enjoy it. What more can I ask for. Well, except MAYBE nicer sales people.
What this does mean is that cat lovers should check abck atthe HSCC very soon as these new canvases will be filled with our feline friends.


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