Monday, December 06, 2004

*PHEW* I have really started to love working the Holiday Bazaars but they are all so close together! Im pooped! My final bazaar of the year was Saturday and I spent Sunday making special request items I received. Im happy to say I am all caught up. For anyone checking out my site looking for items like those I sold at the bazaars, just email me with questions or for information. I have some items left and I will gladly make more if there is something specific you are looking for ( ). I will include a section on my new website for items other than my paintings--promise! I was asked to donate a painting and a wild woman pin to my local grade school so I guess that is my next project. I have several paintings in progress that I hope to finish up this week or this coming weekend so check back---I will post them here soon! I think I have also decided upon the look for my ned site--wish me luck.

Thanks to everyone who stopped by over the past week. I appreciate your interest in my work!


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