Saturday, December 25, 2004

Merry Christmas! Merry Christmas! MERRY CHRISTMAS! Like all families, mine can be a little....lets say, "tiring". Well this year went pretty smoothly if I dare say so. I just got back from a car ride around the neighboring towns looking at the holiday lights. We started this about 5 or 6 years ago; it was me, my mother, my grandmother and two of my neices. It was sooo much fun that year. My grandmother got to see the lights and my neices, mom and I sang at the top of our lungs. We try to do it every year on Christmas eve or Christmas night. Unforuntately my grandmother isnt comfortable out after dark now. We tried to bring Yellow Dog the past couple years but he just gets way too excited with all the girls and the singing. Its still fun. My Mom had the most fun this year. She deserves it; she has a lot going on. Anyway, I hope evryone had a wonderful holiday and I wish everyone a happy new year!


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