Thursday, July 15, 2004

Things were going so well and now there is something up with my computer at home. For some time now, depending on what I was doing, my mouse would freeze up for about 20 seconds. Last night my computer was soooooo slow. It was slow to close windows and locked up on me several times. It was terrible. I dont know if its a virus or maybe all my web site work has bogged down my faithful but not-so-new computer. I have used PhotoShop a lot lately, so Im hoping thats all it is. I have to say, my computer has been very very very good to me thus far and I have been amazingly lucky when it comes to viruses--this would be my first. Gosh, I hope thats not it. Wish me luck. I really really really dont want to go through the process of buying and hooking up a whole new system.


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