Monday, June 21, 2004

Yeesh. Long time no post. Actually long time no ANYTHING! The sad part is Im not even that busy at work--busy enough but not so busy I cant keep up on life. I tend to do best under pressure--both professionally and personally. Nothing all that exciting is happening and I cant seem to motivate myself to MAKE anything exciting happen. I guess Im also kind of sad lately. A very close friend is moving away. Or should I say ANOTHER close friend is moving away. I simply am unable to keep anyone on the east coast. Another friend is getting married and although I hate to say it and I want to be happy for him, I dont think it is a good move. Just my opinion. They are a horrible match--dont really like to spend a lot of time together and both try to cheat like crazy. Healthy relationship, huh??! Not to mention she is mean as hell. Oh well, time to cut my losses with that one. This short little post has turned into a huge pity fest so Im ending it for now. Until next time...on a happier note...


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