NR 343: Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems

A Graduate Level Course

[Old Map]

Above: (left) Americae Sive Novi Orbis Nova Descriptio by Abraham Ortelius, Antwerp 1598; (right) predicted future
urbanization map of I-89 corridor

Note that all labs are password protected. If you are a member
of the UVM community and would like access, please email the
instructor with a request.

GIS Links (including GIS data sources on the web)

Thanks are due to the UVM Center for Teaching and Learning, who provided
the instructional incentive grant that helped make this website possible

(c)2011. All Rights Reserved. Materials on this site are authored by Austin Troy &
Brian Voigt unless otherwise noted. Please contact Dr. Voigt at
if you would like to use these materials for educational purposes.

Instructor: Dr. Brian Voigt

Internal Site Documentation

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PHP Programing by Aaron Hawley.

Free JavaScripts for navigation menu provided
by The JavaScript Sourceand updated by Austin Troy