Touch of Grey
Elizabeth Aaron & Nick
Elizabeth, Aaron, & Nick. Burlington, 2005. Photo by Maryanne Kampmann.
Touch of Grey is the musical trio of myself (guitar), Aaron Ellison (bouzouki & mandolin), and Elizabeth Farnsworth (guitar & vocals). Aaron is my long-term scientific collaborator, and Elizabeth is the vocalist for E.F.G. (as well as co-author of the recent Field Guide To The Ferns). These musical sessions always occur after long days of writing and editing; in fact, Aaron's bouzouki is featured in Elizabeth's cover drawing for our latest book, A Primer of Ecological Statistics. Wooden Ships catches that late night feeling, which is usually fueled by a little Laphroaig. Fearless is an obscure Pink Floyd tune that Elizabeth also knows.
Wooden Ships [7:12]
I Know You Rider [4:51]
Fearless [4:10]


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