Max & Willie Grear
Jawless Fishes
Max, Willie, & Nick. South Kingston, 2008. Photo by Joanie Grear.
In April of 2008, I was hosted by Jason Grear (EPA) for a seminar at the University of Rhode Island. During this visit, there was also a chance to play and record a bit with Jason's two sons, Max and Willie. Max, age 13, plays a great stand-up bass and is an excellent jazz guitarist. Max plays bass on "Blues In Bb" and guitar on "Blues in E". Willie, age 11, is a talented pianist with a left hand like Professor Longhair and a right hand like Thelonious Monk. Wow! If these guys play this well already, what are they going to sound like when they reach my age? Remember, you heard 'em here first!
Blues in Bb [4:13]
Blues in E [3:43]


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