PSS 138 - Commercial Plant Propagation

Spring 2008

Tentative Lecture Schedule



Date                            Topic                                                                                 Chapter(s)


January            15        Introduction                                                                             1 & 2

                        17        Environment and propagation media                                         3

                        22        Development of seeds                                                               4

                        24        Development of seeds                                                               4

29        Techniques of seed production and handling                            6

31        Principles of propagation by seeds                                            7


February          5         Principles of propagation by seeds                                            7

 7         Principles of propagation by seeds                                            7

                        12        Techniques of seed propagation                                                8

                        14        Principles of seed selection                                                       5

                        19        EXAM I

                        21        Principles of propagating by cuttings                                        9

                        26        Techniques of propagation by cuttings                                    10

                        28        Propagation by specialized roots and stems                            15


March                4        No class, Town Meeting Day

                          6        Principles of tissue culture and micropropagation                   17

11        No class, Spring Break

                        13        No class, Spring Break

                        18        Techniques for micropropagation                                            18

                        20        Techniques for micropropagation                                            18

                        25        EXAM II

                        27        Principles of grafting and budding                                          11


April                  1        Techniques of grafting                                                            12

                          3        Techniques of budding                                                            13

                          8        Propagation by layering and its modifications                         14

                        10        Principles and practices of clonal selection                              16

15        Student Term Project Presentations

                        17        Student Term Project Presentations

22        Student Term Project Presentations

                        24        Student Term Project Presentations

                        29        Student Term Project Presentations



May                   6        ***CUMULATIVE FINAL*** 

                                    (Tuesday -  8:30 AM - 11 AM in Room 17 Hills)