Naveen at the 2014 Fall MRS Meeting

Naveen Rawat bio photo By Naveen Rawat

On Sunday I drove down to Boston to be just in time to attend the tutorial on fundamentals of wide bandgap materials and devices. It was on fundamental physics and problems facing these devices. I got to hear a talk from 2014 Physics Nobel prize winner Hiroshi Amano who was part of this session. The actual conference started on Monday and I was mostly spending time between the sessions on organic semiconductors and organic photovoltaics. The talks of the session were always on time and of high quality scientific content. I talked to lot of researchers in the field and even had lunch with some of them where we talked about research in detail. We were conferred the MRS chapter certificate on Monday evening plenary session. Along with this we also had the university chapter luncheon where we were introduced to representatives of other chapters. I met my Masters academic advisor from RIT and could catch up with him which was wonderful. There were other student mixers during the conference which was a lot of fun as well. I was also able to attend the workshop on industrial careers which was great as we had the presence of distinguished persons from industry HR, R and D labs and academia. Their insight into nuances of job applications was something you rarely get to experience. Other things that come to mind are the session on getting your work published, science as art competition, the nano-brothers show and evening poster presentations. In all, it was quite memorable experience and would love to go to MRS whenever the opportunity arises.