Composite Narrative
Refers to the redactors’ technique of juxtaposing narratives
(e.g. the juxtaposing of the P and J creation stories)

A self-contained section of Scripture (e.g. the tower of Babel; the sacrifice of Isaac)

Interpolated Narrative
Narrative interruptions-- individual pericopes--that interrupt a longer narrative
e.g. the many interruptions between the announcment of Isaac’s birth at 17:15 and the actual birth at 21

In biblical narrative, the marking of a crucial juncture in the life of the protagonist (birth, initiatory trial, betrothal, deathbed) by following a fixed sequence of familiar motifs.  (Note: not the same as typology")

Annunciation Type-Scene
God visits a barren woman and promises a child (always a son)
See Genesis 17:15-16

A method for interpreting the Bible
Usually:  An Old Testament passage or character--a type--whose "hidden sense" is made plain only when fulfilled by a New Testament antitype (i.e. Moses is a type of Christ, Jesus being the antitype).  But typological interpretation can also exist within the Hebrew Bible, when one patriarch becomes a type of another, as we lead toward the culmination in a King (so that, for instance, Abraham becomes a type of David or Solomon, for example)

A compact (treaty) between man and man, a mutual agreement (e.g between Abraham and Abimilech)
A compact between man and God, though man is not an independent covenanting party; a promise on the part of God, usually marked with a sign (e.g. circumcision)

Enthronement Myth