The Bible as Literature
Professor Lisa Schnell


Week I - Some Introductory Problems
1/20 - Introductions
1/22 - Bible as Literature: 3-16; 93-107; 267-289


Week II - In the Beginning…
1/25 - Genesis 1-25, and Bible as Literature 63-73
1/27 - Genesis 1-25
1/29 - Genesis 1-25

Week III - Family Matters
2/1 - Genesis 26-50
2/3 - Genesis 26-50
2/5 – Genesis 26-50

Week IV - Moses and the Children
2/8 - Exodus, and Bible as Literature 75-92
2/10 - Exodus
2/12 - Numbers 13-16; 20, Deuteronomy 1-7; 28

Week V - The Promised Land?
2/15 - No Class
2/17 - Joshua
2/19 - Joshua

Week VI - Daughters of Israel
2/22 - Judges
2/24 - Judges
2/26 - Ruth

Week VII - The Making of a Nation
3/1 - 1 Samuel 1-16
3/3 - 1 Samuel 17-31
3/5 - 2 Samuel 1-11

Week VIII The Making of a Nation
3/8 - 2 Samuel 12-25
3/10 - 1 Kings 1-11; 16-22
3/12 - 2 Kings 1-6; 18-25

*****SPRING BREAK*****

 Week IX – Wisdom Literature
3/22 - Proverbs 15-18; Job, and Bible as Literature 137-153
3/24 - Job (cont’d)
3/26 - Ecclesiastes

Week X - Prophetic Murmurings
3/29- Isaiah 1-7; 40-55, and Bible as Literature 124-136
3/31 - Ezekial 1-6; 20-24
4/2 - No Class


Week X - The Stories of Jesus
4/5 - Introduction and Matthew , and Bible as Literature 209-218; 223-225
4/7 - Matthew (cont'd)
4/9 - Mark, and Bible as Literature 218-221

Week XI - More Stories of Jesus
4/12 - Mark (cont’d)
4/14 - John, and Bible as Literature 225-228
4/16 - John (cont’d)

Week XII - The Beginnings of the Christian Church
4/19 - Luke, and Bible as Literature 221-223
4/21 - Luke (cont’d)
4/23 - Acts, and Bible as Literature 230-237

Week XIII - Paul
4/26 - Paul's Letter to the Romans, and Bible as Literature 238-244
4/28 – Romans (cont’d)
4/30 - Paul's Letter to the Ephesians

Week XIV - Last Days
5/3 - Revelation, and Bible as Literature 161-170
5/5 - Revelation

 Review Session for Final - TBA
FINAL EXAM - Tuesday May 11, 8AM