Ruth and I Samuel 1-16

1. What nationality is Ruth?

2. Name one of the laws invoked by Boaz in the trial scene in Chapter 4.

3. Name three of the women from Genesis who are invoked in the final speech of the elders at the end of the trial scene in Ruth.

4. What is the fate of Ruth and Boaz's first-born son?

5. Who is Samuel's mother?

6. How is Samuel like Samson (from Judges)?

7. What happens to the Ark of Covenant in I Samuel 4?

8. What group constitutes Israel's biggest enemy in I Samuel?

9. What sort of type-scene signals Saul's blessing as king (in I Samuel 9)?

10. Who is Saul's son?

11. What does that son do that almost gets him into serious trouble?

12. Name one of Saul's sins? What are the eventual consequences of his disobedience?