
1. What is the name frequently given to the prophet who wrote Isaiah 40-55 (the "Consolation of Israel" section)?

2. During what major period in Israelite history was the book of Ezekial written?

3. How are the respective "calls" of Isaiah (of the first 40 chapters) and Ezekial represented?

4. Fill in the blank (from the first chapter of Isaiah):
"How is the faithful city become a(n) ______________!"

5. Briefly name two ways in which, in the 43rd chapter of Isaiah (read aloud in class on Tuesday), the early history of Israel is invoked.

6. What feminine role does God take on in chapter 40-55 of Isaiah?

7. Over and over again, God calls Ezekial by a kind of "nickname." What is it? (hint: three words)

8. What does God take from Ezekial in the 24 chapter of that book?

9. What story from Genesis is being "retold" in the story of Daniel?

10. Name two of Daniel's friends (the ones who are thrown in the fiery furnace).

11. What alarming event occurs during Belshazzar's feast in Daniel 5?

12. What is the name of the messenger who is sent to Daniel to help interpret his vision?