
And now for something completely different:
New Testament Jeopardy!

Answer as you would on Jeopardy.
For example, if the "answer" given was "70 C.E."
the proper response would be: "What is the approximate date given to the book of Mark?"
1. The Greek language.
2. The Hebrew prophet most quoted by Matthew.
3. Synoptic.
4. Q text.
5. An Old Testament passage or characters whose hidden sense is made plain when fulfilled by an event or character in the New Testament.
6. Rahab, Tamar, Ruth and Bath-sheba.
7. The Beatitudes.
8. The "teach-in" during which Jesus explains/transforms Mosaic Law.
9. A brief story that uses details from ordinary life to illustrate a moral point.
10. Asks Herod for the head of John the Baptist.
11. The events in the life of Jesus between the Last Supper and the Crucifixion.
12. Denies Jesus three times before morning.
13. Tells Pilate not to condemn Jesus because "I have suffered many things this day in a dream because of him."
14. Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?
15. Mary Magdalene and the other Mary.