Mark and John

1. What major political event immediately precedes--even precipitates--the writing of Mark's Gospel? In what year(s) did that event take place?

2. Name 2 of the pericopes that take place between the feeding miracles in Mark.

3. In the first feeding miracle, how many baskets of "leftovers" are taken up? In the second?

4. If you had to use one adjective to describe the tone or "atmosphere" of Mark, what would it be? (There is a spectrum of "right answers" for this question.)

5. John rewrites the opening of Genesis in his gospel with the words,"In the beginning was the __________."

6. The miracles of Jesus in John's Gospel begin with a particular occurence at a wedding in Cana. What does Jesus do?

7. What type-scene do you recognize in John 4 (Jesus' encounter with the Samaritan woman).

8. What is the disciples' reaction in Mark to Jesus after he has explained that it is he walking on the water? What is the reaction of the disciples after the same event in John?

9. If you had to use one adjective to describe the Jesus of John's gospel what would it be? (Again, lots of "right" answers.)

10. What is the name of the disciple who betrays Jesus to the authorities?

11. Name ONE of the men who come to claim Jesus' body in John.