Luke and Act

1. With whom does Jesus' genealogy END in Luke?
2. If Matthew is concerned with ________ history in his gospel, Luke could be said to be concerned with ___________ history in his.

3. Luke goes to some lengths to remind his reader that Palestine is under ______ rule.

4. In a word, how would you describe Jesus' relationship to his disciples in Luke?

5. In the Matthew and Mark the two men crucified with Jesus are referred to as __________; in Luke they are called ___________.

6. Other than the above difference, name one other difference between the crucifixion story in Luke and one of the other synoptics.

7. How does the end of Luke's gospel differ from Mark's? (Briefly--just one short observation will do.)

8. When the Holy Ghost first appears in Acts, a miracle of sorts occurs. What is it?

9. Who is the first Christian martyr we meet in Acts? What does he narrate before his death by stoning?

10. Who has a dream about food and eating in Acts?

11. What is Paul's name before his conversion?

12. Where (geographically) is Paul at the end of Acts?