Joshua and Judges

1. Who is Rahab?
2. What is the sign Rahab is asked to show and for what purpose?
3. How do the children of Israel cross the Jordan?
4. What is Achan's sin? What is his punishment?
5. In Judges, who kills Sisera, where, and with what? (Think of this as the Biblical game of Clue.)
6. How does Abimilech, the bad seed of Gideon's concubine, die? (this is not meant to be a trick question)
7. What is the deal that Jephthah makes with the Lord? What is the result of that deal?
8. What kind of type-scene provides the opening to the story of Samson?
9. What is the source of Samson's strength?
10. With what kind of war does the book of Judges end?