English 121 - Midterm
Answers to Identification Section

Moabites – first mentioned in Genesis; the nation that derives from the incestuously-conceived son of Lot and his daughter after destruction of S&G (partial points for vague definition of them as enemies of Israel; points also for mentioning that Ruth is a Moabitess)

Penuel – Genesis; place where Jacob wrestles with the angel

Zipporah – Exodus; wife of Moses; circumcises their son

Philistines – Judges/Samuel; a significant non-Canaanite enemy: sophisticated military power, become a threat in Judges and figure prominently in Samuel (reason the Israelites need a king)

P-scribe –Genesis; author of the FIRST creation account and some of the other pericopes in Genesis

Dinah – Genesis; only daughter of Jacob and Leah; violated by Shechem; Simeon and Levi massacre all of Shechem in revenge for their sister’s rape

Nazarite vow – Judges/Samuel; found in reference to both Samson and Samuel; a vow whereby a boy is dedicated to God from birth – is a kind of "monk"; "a razor shall not touch his head"

Sisera – Judges; unfortunate victim of Jael, who lulls him to sleep in her tent and then assassinates him by pounding a tent spike through his temples

Hagar – Genesis; handmaid of Sarai/Sarah; impregnated by Abram/Abraham; mother of Ishmael

Pericope – a self-contained section of the text; examples would be the tower of Babel or the sacrifice of Isaac or the story of Samson, etc

Achan – Joshua; steals valuables from Jericho and buries them under his tent; is discovered after Israelites are killed at Ai; is, with his entire household, stoned to death and burned at the valley of Achor

Eli – 1 Samuel; the priest who sees Hannah praying in the temple; guardian of the young Samuel

1611 – the date of publication of the King James Version of the Bible