(Lots of) Announcements
Week of March 8, 1999

Office Hours
This week will be an "open office hours" week. I will have my door open whenever I am in—which is most of the time—and encourage you to drop by to talk about any aspect of the course. Since you will not have assignments back until after Break, this seems like a good time for you to chat with me about parts of the course that don’t involve writing. After Break, when you have lots of work back from me, I will have another open week for you to come by to talk specifically about your writing.

Reading For This Week
A reminder that we will be skipping Kings altogether—just 2 Samuel this week, and the Wisdom literature after Break.

Reading After Break
We will be working on Wisdom literature after Break.  For Monday read Proverbs 15-18, the material from The Bible as Literature that is on the syllabus, and Job 1-10.  For Wednesday read Job 32-42.  On Friday we will be doing Ecclesiastes; read the whole book (it's short).

Subscribing to Bible Listserv
Instructions for subscribing to the course listserv are available on the course homepage or by clicking here on Listserv.

Departmental Announcements of Note
There will be an EMU (English Majors Union) Meeting at NOON on Wednesday (March 10) in the Lounge Area on the 3rd floor of Old Mill.  Meet other majors, discuss English department concerns and share your insights.

Corse Fellowship for Graduate Study
    Applications for the Corse Fellowship will be accepted by the Chair of English through April 1, 1999.  Application forms are available in 400 Old Mill from Sue Bronson.
    This fellowship, established through the bequest of Frederick M. Corse, 1888, is awarded annually to one or more graduating seniors of UVM holding the Bachelor of Arts degree; or to one or more recent graduates with the proper qualifications.  The fellowship may be renewed.
    Applicants must have majored in English, or a classical language, or two of the European languauges, and must be preparing for a career in college or university teaching or professional journalism.  Exceptional ability, character, and capability for independent thought are considerations.  Because it is designated as a "travelling" award, the Corse Fellowship must be used at an institution other than UVM.
Events of Potential Interest
I realize very few of you will be around after Friday, but those of you who will be in Burlington may be interested in a series of talks that will be taking place this weekend at the Ohavi Zedek Synagogue on North Prospect Street.  Rabbi Burton Visotzky, who co-hosted Bill Moyers's fascinating Genesis series on PBS a few years ago, will be giving three talks this weekend that pertain to some of the issues we've been dealing with in the Hebrew Bible:
Friday, 8PM - "Word of God or Hand of Moses: What Is This Book We Read?"
Saturday 9AM Service - "The Continuity of Revelation: What Are the Sources of Authority in Judaism?"
Saturday 5:40 Service - "Confronting the Problem of Leviticus"

FYI: University Announcement
"As part of a continuing effort to strengthen academic quality at UVM, the Faculty Senate is abolishing a measure allowing seniors who were up to six credits short of completing their degree requirements to participate in Commencement ceremonies" (Tom Van Sant, Public Relations). This policy will begin in the fall of 1999 (i.e. will not effect this spring's Commencement).  For more information, please contact the Dean's Office at 656-3344.