Weekly Announcements
Week of March 29, 1999

No Class on Friday
    I will be out of town this Friday; class is cancelledHowever, Group B still has Locks and Keys due. Please give them to me in class on Wednesday or turn them in to the Department Office before 4:15 on Friday (the secretaries will date them and collect them for me). Do not leave them in the bin outside my door. If I find them there when I get back, I will assume they are late and grade them accordingly.

Reading for Next Week
    Purely by coincidence--really--we will be starting the New Testament on Monday, April 5 (the Monday following Easter!). For Monday please read the sections of the Bible as Literature that are noted on the syllabus as well as Matthew 1-9.
     Have the rest of Matthew read for Wednesday.
    For Friday, read the section from the Bible as Literature that’s noted on the syllabus as well as the first eight (8) chapters of Mark.

Events This Week
    Stephen King will read from his newest novel on Tuesday at 12:30 in the Ira Allen Chapel. Bring your student ID to get in. He will give a talk on Tuesday evening at 7 at the Patrick Gym. You must have a ticket for this event.  You can still pick them up in the main office (400 Old Mill).