English 121 – Announcements
Week of March 1
Reading for Next Week
I think we're going to need a little more time to talk about David than what's scheduled on the syllabus, so I've made an executive decision to skip the reading from Kings.  We'll talk, then, just about 2 Samuel next week; we won't do Kings; we'll begin the Wisdom literature, as scheduled, after Break.

Locks and Keys and Midterm
Group A has Locks and Keys due today; Group B will have Locks and Keys due next Friday. If you will not be in class next Friday, be sure to get me your assignment before you leave town. I will not accept assignments over e-mail.

I will have your last two sets of Locks and Keys and the midterm ready to hand back the Friday after break--March 26.

Answers to the first part of the midterm are posted on the website. Click here on Midterm, or go to the course homepage and look for the link there.

Departmental Events
A reminder to pick up Stephen King tickets at 400 Old Mill if you have not already done so. Professor Magistrale expects them to be gone by early next week.

Someone has made the suggestion that we begin a listserv for English 121—an optional online space where you could—together with the other class—discuss issues that we don’t get to in class. What do you think?