Week of February 15, 1999

Reading For Next Week
We will do both Judges and Ruth next week. Read both of them in full (Ruth is really short). We will not talk about all of Judges in class, but there are so many important (and disturbing) stories in this book that I am strongly recommending you read all of it.

Moses and Aaron
For the opera buffs among you: Arnold Schoenberg's opera Moses and Aaron, rarely performed, will be broadcast this Saturday on NPR's Saturday Afternoon At The Opera, from the Met.

Advance Notice Of Midterm Exam
There will be a take-home midterm for the course that will be handed out on Wednesday, March 3 and due in class on Monday, March 8. We'll talk more about the nature of the exam next week.

Upcoming English Department Events
Professor Mary Lou Kete will be talking about "Mourning and the American Self" on Monday, February 22 at 12:05 in John Dewey Lounge.  Sponsored by EMU.

Those interested in attending the reading by Stephen King (yes, the Stephen King) on Tuesday, March 30 at 7PM in the Patrick Gym should pick up their free tickets (2 per person) in the Main Office of the English Department (400 Old Mill).  Sponsored by the English Dept. and the Buckham Fund.
Departmental Honors
An announcement about Departmental Honors should have recently appeared in the e-mail boxes of all senior English majors.  If you did not receive that information and are a senior interested in pursuing Departmental Honors, please see me and I will make the requisite number of copies of the "Call for Submissions" for distribution next class.