Physics 12

Spring 2018

General Information

Department of Physics



Instructor: Jason Pepe, Rm. 107 Hills

Phone: 656-8865


Office Hours: Wed, Fri 1:00-2:00 or by appointment



  • Textbook: "College Physics" by Knight, Jones & Field, 3rd Edition, with MasteringPhysics registration code.

·         Pocket calculator with trigonometric functions, scientific notation and exponential functions.

Course format:

·       Three 50-minute lectures per week on Monday, Wednesday, Friday at 2:20 P.M., 235 ML SCI. New topics will be presented at this time.  See Course Outline for details. The lectures are not a substitute for your textbook reading assignments. The purpose of the lecture is to identify the key points and to help clarify some of the more difficult aspects of the reading assignment.

·       One 75 minute recitation session per week. No new topics will be covered at this time.  The recitation instructor will answer questions on past material and assigned homework problems.  Quizzes may be given during the recitation period.


Homework problems serve as illustrations of the lecture material and are essential towards consolidation of the students' grasp of physical principles.  The Course Outline shows the homework assignments for each chapter.  Students are expected to have completed or at least attempted to complete all the pertinent homework problems from the textbook before coming to the recitation session.

Recitation/Mastering Physics Quizzes:

On most weeks, there will be a Mastering Physics online quiz. This quiz will typically be available starting Friday evening.  The completed problems will typically be due the following Tuesday night at 11pm. Late Mastering Physics assignments will not be accepted.  There will also be a number of in-class recitation quizzes, which will involve solving a problem similar to the homework problems. There will be no make up quizzes. The lowest score will be dropped from the record.  In addition to the Mastering Physics chapter quizzes, there will be weekly pre-lecture assignments given for each chapter.

  Mastering Physics course identification:  UVMPHYSICS12S18


There will be three hourly exams based on lecture, homework and textbook material.  An equation sheet will be provided for each exam.  The final examination will be cumulative.  Early exams will not be given.

Course Grades:

§         For each student, a score will be computed based on 100 points to be distributed as follows:

§  Hourly exams: 3 ×17 = 51 points.

§  Mastering Physics prelectures:  6 points

§        MasteringPhysics/Recitation Quizzes: 17 points

§         Final examination: 26 points.


Numerical to Letter Grade Conversion:

Letter grades will be assigned as follows:

A range = 90 - 100

B range = 80 - 89

C range = 70 - 79

D range = 60 - 69

F = below 60


A student's attendance record provides additional information for assessing a student's overall attitude in the course.  It will be used for advising, for documentation in a letter of reference, etc.  It is the student's responsibility to keep up with missed material, announcements, etc.  Attendance at recitation is mandatory.


Circumstances beyond a student's control may warrant an absence.  Valid excuses for such absences are notes from the academic dean, the attending physician, the team coach, the officiating clergyman, the presiding judge, the arresting officer, etc. 

Missing Hourly Exams:

Missing an hourly exam will result in a score of zero unless the student has a valid excuse as defined above.  A student with a valid excuse may be given a make-up exam at a time that is mutually convenient for the student and the instructor.

Missing the Final:

Missing the final examination will result in a final course grade of F unless the student has arranged with the instructor through the appropriate academic dean for an "Incomplete."

Extra Credit:  Extra credit work will not be assigned for the course.