Jacqueline (Jackie) S. Weinstock, Associate Professor
Department of Integrated Professional Studies
Human Development & Family Studies Program
633 Main Street
C150 Living/Learning Center
Burlington, VT 05405
phone: 802.656.2058
fax: 802.656.2687
E-mail Me At: Jacqueline.Weinstock@uvm.edu

Photo copyright 2003 Lisa Kessler

Current Projects & Interests
Course Information
Professional Background & Experiences
Personal Background & Interests

Introduction: Who Am I and What Do I Do at UVM?

    Professional Self-Description


My faculty appointment is in the Human Development & Family Studies Program; for more information on that program see:

        Human Development & Family Studies Program

I am also an affiliated faculty member in Women's Studies; for more information on that program, see:

        Women's and Gender Studies

Much of my work addresses LGBTQ2IA issues; for more information on these issues at UVM, see:

        LGBTQA Services at UVM

For further information on these issues, I recommend the following link as a starting place:

        National Consortium of Directors of LGBT Resources in Higher Education

Copyright Weinstock 2002; Last revised 03/05
Click Here For Credits

FYI: LGBTQ2IA stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Questioning, Queer, Intersex, and Ally