4th Annual Biophysical Economics Conference


OCTOBER 26-28, 2012

Gund Institute for Ecological Economics

Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources

University of Vermont, Burlington, Vermont



Davis Center, University of Vermont


8:00 am          Registration and Light Breakfast                                         Fireplace Lounge


9:00 am          WELCOME                                                                             Livak Ballroom

                  Jon Erickson, UVM Rubenstein School of Environment & Natural Resources

                  Taylor Ricketts, UVM Gund Institute for Ecological Economics

                                    Charles Hall, SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry


9:15 am          PLENARY SESSION 1                                                                        Livak Ballroom

Energy Return on Investment: State of the Field

Charles Hall, SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry

Alex Poisson, McGill University

Egan Waggoner, SUNY College of Environmental Science & Forestry

(Moderator: Jon Erickson, UVM Rubenstein School)


10:30 am       Morning Break                                                                      Fireplace Lounge


11:00 am       PLENARY SESSION 2                                                                        Livak Ballroom

Money, Debt, and Energy: Biophysical Realities for Fairytale Economies

Joshua Farley, UVM Gund Institute for Ecological Economics

Dennis Meadows, Balaton Group

George Mobus, University of Washington

(Moderator: Matthew Burke, UVM Gund Institute and MPA Program)


12:30 pm       Buffet Lunch                                                                          Livak Ballroom


1:00 pm         KEYNOTE ADDRESS 1                                                          Livak Ballroom

                        Peak Prosperity on a Finite Planet

Christopher Martenson, author of ÒThe Crash CourseÓ


2:00 pm         BREAKOUT SESSIONS 1-2

                        Energy Taxes in a Fiscally Challenged Politics              Jost Room

Gary Flomenhoft, UVM Gund Institute for Ecological Economics

Janet Milne, Vermont Law School

Charles Komanoff, Carbon Tax Center

(Moderator: Bob Herendeen, UVM Gund Institute for Ecological Economics)



Great Economic Thinkers & Biophysical Economics       Chittenden Room

Lisi Krall, SUNY Cortland

Karl Seeley, Hartwick College

Kent Klitgaard, Wells College

(Moderator: Brian Kelly, UVM Gund Institute & Community Development Dept.)


3:30 pm         Afternoon Break                                                                    Fireplace Lounge


4:00 pm         BREAKOUT SESSIONS 3-4

                        Connecting our Normative Disciplines to Science:         Jost Room

Helping the Orphan Disciplines find a Biophysical Home

Geoff Garver, McGill University

Robert Gobin, McGill University

Nicolas Kosoy, McGill University

Robert Nadeau, George Mason University

(Moderator: Peter Brown, McGill University)


Economic Implications of EROI                                          Chittenden Room

Charlie Hall, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry

Carey King, University of Texas

John Hallock, Independent Energy Researcher

(Moderator: Christopher Clement, UVM Gund Institute and Rubenstein School)


6:00 pm         Reception                                                                               Aiken Solarium


7:00pm          SCREENING & DISCUSSION                                                                          Aiken 102/103

How Much Degrowth is Enough?

Note: Complimentary dinner sponsored by Stanford Knowledge Integration Lab

(E-mail alpert@skil.org to RSVP, or sign-up at conference)




Aiken Center, University of Vermont


8:00 am          Registration and Light Breakfast                                         Aiken Solarium


9:00 am          PLENARY SESSION 3                                                                        102 Aiken

Biophysical Economics and the Financial System and Industry

Peter Tcherepnine, President, Loeb Partners Management, Inc.

Chris Sanders, Sanders Research Associates Limited

Steven Kopits, Douglas Westwood, Inc.

(Moderator: Sam Hopkins, Hopkins & Associates)


10:30 am       Morning Break                                                                      Aiken Solarium



11:00 am       PLENARY SESSION 3                                                                        102 Aiken

                        Energy, Democracy, and the Political Economy of Change:

                        Strategies for the Change We Know is Needed

Thomas Prugh, Worldwatch Institute

Neil Glazer, Foundation Earth

Jim Case, American Petroleum Institute

(Moderator: Eric Zencey, UVM Gund Institute for Ecological Economics)


12:30 pm       Lunch                                                                                     Aiken Solarium


1:00 pm         KEYNOTE ADDRESS 2                                                          102 Aiken

                        Energy as Master Resource

Eric Zencey, author of ÒThe Other Road to SerfdomÓ


2:00 pm         BREAKOUT SESSIONS 5-7

Transportation and Energy:                                              104 Aiken

Challenges and Lessons from a Rural State

Karen Giltman, Vermont Energy Investment Corp.

John Dowds, UVM Transportation Research Center

Phoebe Spencer, UVM Community Development & Applied Economics

Heather Darby, UVM Extension

(Moderator: Tim Pede, UVM Rubenstein School)


                        Energy Use in Food Systems:                                                                     116 Aiken

The Realities of Relocalization

John Carroll, University of New Hampshire

John Schramski, University of Georgia

Eric Garza, University of Vermont Environmental Program (moderator)


                        Communicating Biophysical Economics                          311 Aiken

Jada Thacker, Marine Military Academy

Yvan Dutil, T3E -Industrial Research in Energy Technologies and Efficiency

Jesssica G. Lambert, Next Generation Energy Initiative (moderator)


3:30 pm         CLOSING REMARKS                                                              102 Aiken

Jon Erickson, UVM Rubenstein School of Environment and Natural Resources

Brian Kelly, UVM Gund Institute and Community Development Department

Charlie Hall, SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry


5:00 pm         FILM SCREENING                                                                  102 Aiken

                        Growthbusters: Hooked on Growth