Burlington 1877

What still stands from between 1869 and 1877 in Burlington, Vermont?

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61/63 Monroe Street


            The structure is a two and one-half story duplex, six by three bays, eaves front with a center gabled roof dormer and a shed roof addition on the rear.  The house faces north and appears to be little altered since it was constructed [1] .  The cladding, window surrounds and slate shingles appear unchanged except for replacement clapboards on the front facade of the structure near the roof of the single story porch.

            According to the historic survey [2] the house was built in 1886 as a tenement by James Bolger, a contractor. There is not much known about the residents of the house.  The address of the building used to be 57 Monroe Street [3] .  It is not clear when the street number changed.

[1] 1877 Birds Eye View Map, 1890 Hopkins Map, 1978 Sanborn Insurance Map

[2] Vermont Historic Sites and Structures Survey

[3] 1890 Hopkins Map

Street Index

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 A research project of the
University of Vermont Historic Preservation Program
HP 206 researching Historic Structures and Sites - Prof. Thomas Visser
in cooperation with the UVM Bailey-Howe Library